source: WAITS Team
published: 5 February 2018
Image Credit : StuartMiles at
Well is it is almost too late to wish you all a happy new year, five plus weeks into the new year and it seems time is already flying by us all so quickly.
So how are your 2018 resolutions/ goals going? Did you make any?
WAITS board and senior management team have been looking towards our future goals despite the difficult funding climate, spurred on by our 25th Anniversary. The 25th Anniversary Ball was also scheduled to take place on 17 November 2018 at Edgbaston Stadium.
Our Business strategy designed in consultation with Pilotlight coaches, clients, staff, our stakeholders and trustees includes our brand
new vision and mission statements:
A society where women are safe, valued and fulfilled.
Empowering women to make positive choices.
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